Bricks & Mortar RetailersRetail SpacesThriving High Street

Plans to force landlords let out vacant retail units

There are Government plans for vacant shops to come back to life on our high streets by forcing landlords to let out retail units that have been vacant for over six months. The new powers will be introduced as part of the Levelling Up and Regeneration Bill.

Expert OpinionMarketingStart UpsUncategorized

Rowland gives a talk on the “Future of Retail”

Rowland recently gave a talk on the subject of the “Future of Retail” as part of BrandLab360 Live. The talk covered the future of retail and what retail start-ups should take on board.

Bricks & Mortar RetailersExpert Opinion

Podcast – How can retailers make their post-COVID businesses not just profitable, but sensational.

Thought & Leaders

In this fascinating episode of Thought and leaders, Rowland talks to Jonathan Gabay about how retailers can make their post-COVID businesses not just profitable, but sensational.

The opportunity for the physical high street is going to re-emerge

Rowland Gee
Bricks & Mortar RetailersThriving High Street

The Future of the High Street

Rowland Gee contributes to Know Your Money’s article on the future of the high street

Case StudiesMarketing

Brand and Market Development – Cell Workout

Grey4Gold founder Rowland Gee approached LJ Flanders with the idea of adding an Athleisure collection to the Cell Workout brand.

Case Studies

Entering New Markets – Textrade

Grey4Gold provided UK market analysis and presented a business plan to guide Textrade on how best to enter the UK home decor market.

Bricks & Mortar RetailersThriving High Street

Wales – Thriving High Street

A package of retail business support for over 100 individuals/retail businesses